Wander. Love. Live.
No one tells you exactly what you are supposed to do with your life. This freedom of decision provides insight into what we deem worthy. After graduating college, I needed some time to figure out what was worthy to me.
The Appalachian Trail has been described as a place of natural beauty and solitude and I set out to tackle the 2200 mile trek from Georgia to Maine in March of 2019, completing the journey in just over four months. The trail was not all good. I learned that I like showers, beds, going out to eat with friends, my dogs, and that contracting Norovirus in a remote stretch of Maine isn’t a good time. However, the drastic change in lifestyle allowed me to grow as a person and prioritize my goals moving forward, all while witnessing the beauty of Appalachia.
Two days after completing the Appalachian Trail, I attended the Masters of Public Health orientation at the University of Georgia in which I met John Parker for the first time. Our backgrounds in basic science, coupled with our life experiences in medical outreach and service pushed us to become friends and create this company. Since graduation, I completed the 3,000 mile long Continental Divide Trail in 2021 in 5 months. Experiencing the scarcity and lack of quality of water in the desert, as well as in places with high concentrations of livestock has pushed me to work even harder on completing the development of this tablet. Having diarrhea or being dangerously dehydrated in a resource-limited setting is a terrifying experience. Do your research. Be prepared. Enjoy the beautiful world we live in.